Olivier Bonneau

Olivier Bonneau 2017-12-18T12:09:26+00:00

Project Description

Olivier Bonneau, 55 years old, is a University Professor of exceptional class specialized in mechanics and mechanic engineering at the University of Poitiers. He is presently a Coordinating Scientific Counselor for Science and Technology at the Department of Scientific Research Evaluation attached to the Higher Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education.

Former student of the École Normale Supérieure of Cachan, he defended a Doctorate thesis at the University of Poitiers (1989) and a “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” (habilitation to conduct research) in 1996. His research work covers more particularly the study of static and dynamic behavior of tree lines guided bt fluid elements. This theoretical but also empirical work is being conducted in partnership with manufacturing companies and energy and aeronautical and spatial transportation sectors.

Olivier Bonneau has been co-responsible and co-founder(1991-2002) of a DESS degree (High Specialized Studies Degree) in mechanic conception and modeling.

He had been at the head of the Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides (UMR CNRS-University of Poitiers) for eight years (from 2002 to 2009). He coordinated on behalf of the University of Poitiers, during four years, the Transport du Contrat de Projets État Région program which involved 200 researchers belonging to 11 research unities.

Dr Bonneau has been co-responsible and co-founder(1991-2002) of a DESS degree (High Specialized Studies Degree) in mechanic conception and modellling.

Olivier Bonneau
Olivier Bonneau
Olivier Bonneau’s Abstract https://thaioptometry.org https://desa-kertajaya.id/uploads/vendor/ SeputarWaktu.Com pay4d