Mohamed Sghir JANJAR

Mohamed Sghir JANJAR 2017-12-18T12:00:19+00:00

Project Description

Dr Janjar, an anthropologist (the Sorbonne University), is the Deputy Director of King Abdul Aziz Foundation for Islamic Studies and Human Sciences in Casablanca and Managing Editor of Prologues revue. He is also co-editor of the “Débats philosophiques” collection published by the “Fennec” (Casablanca) and of the “Religion et Société” collection, edited by Prologues.

Dr Janjar is a researcher and a translator, his work bears on various fields of study: contemporary Moroccan society’s mutations; religion and culture in the Arab and Islamic world; Moroccan civil society or the situation of research and editing in Morocco. He has published various studies and collaborated in numerous collective works. You can find the title in the French Version of the biography.

Mohamed Sghir JANJAR
Mohamed Sghir JANJARKeynote Speaker
Mohamed Sghir JANJAR’s Abstract SeputarWaktu.Com pay4d