Mina KLEICHE-DRAY 2017-12-18T12:36:17+00:00

Project Description

Dr Kleiche-Dray is a historian of science and technology, in charge of Research at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) attached to the UMR 196 Ceped (Paris v Descartes University-IRD), and a member of the Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation et Société (IFRIS). Her research interest focuses on the collective dynamics and the institutional mechanisms implied in the construction of scientific knowledge in context: knowledge production, scientific communities and science policies in Mexico and Morocco. She is presently working on the reconfigurations of the relationships between techno-sciences and native and rural knowledge in a context of globalization and the spread of environment-friendly agri-food practices among Mexican farmers.

Some of Dr Kleiche-Dray’s publications on the basis of her work on Morocco:

She took part in the Evaluation of the National System of Research (dir. R. Waast) and co-published Kleiche-Dray, M. and Waast R., (dir.) (2008), Le Maroc scientifique. Paris, Publisud, 312 p. She also supervised the evaluation of the university reform (2008) and co-published the report: M. Kleiche-Dray, M. et Belcadi, S. (2008), L’université marocaine en processus d’autonomisation. Rabat : CSE, 108 p. She equally edited the book Les Ancrages Nationaux de la Science Mondiale. XVIIIe-XXIe. Paris : EAC/IRD, 2017, 587 p., which includes a chapter on Morocco, co-written with Kamel Mellakh: Enjeux et tensions entre science et développement au Maroc, p. 355-390.

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Mina KLEICHE-DRAY’s Abstract https://thaioptometry.org https://desa-kertajaya.id/uploads/vendor/ SeputarWaktu.Com pay4d